Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Casting, Mise-en-scene, Props, Location, Costumes X 2


Zoe Cotterill
Emily Davies
Sophie Ambrose
Katie Bunn

Mise-en-scene and Props

Small lights, no natural lighting, phone torches
Garden bench with fairy lights
Main bedroom light extra light may be needed


White/Light coloured clothing contrasting with darkness around them
Glittery faces highlighting their faces when light shines on them


Garden with the bench - location one
Bedroom with lights - location two



Zoe Cotterill, Anna Blake and Alex Plumb (Me)

Mise-en-scene and Props

Garden bench with fairy lights, 
Professional light,
Small balloons,
Larger balloons,
Confetti (to fill smaller balloons),


A 'glam' outfit for the main performance 
a 'casual' outfit but still 'girly' for the less serious scenes


Garden (with bench) - location one
Bedroom with lights - location two
Dining room (with professional light) - location three

Thursday, 17 November 2016


This is my animatic its made up of 60 shots, the longest shot being 5 seconds and the shortest being just 1 second long. The contrast in times shows its well thought out and works well with the lyrics and the rhythm of the song itself. The variety of shots I'm going to use will show initiative, good directing and creative skills. The idea of the video is to keep the audience engaged and give the band and their song another platform to get their music viral so it needs to be energetic and interesting.