Friday, 7 October 2016


The band will consist of four members, all female thus following the stereotypical girl band image of radiating girl power. There will be three separate locations, much like the Selena Gomez video the band are on an adventure/having a good time, although this is more of self a discovery adventure and realising something deep inside themselves. There will be an energy that suggests a strong connection between the girls as bands need the onscreen closeness for the audience to truly believe they are a band. The girls will do some dance moves but not too much of a complicated routine. The girls will be seen singing/performing the song rather than a story happening with other people acting out a story. There will be shots of each girl on their own singing the song and other shots with all of them together this is inspired from other band videos. There will be multiple outfits for the band to be wearing, there will be a constant theme of colour so aesthetically the band look well put together, possibly within the props as well. In editing I will decide if the video should be in black and white or colour, or maybe a mix of both when it fits the song or if any other filters are needed.

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