Friday, 7 April 2017

Evaluation Question 2

2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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(The digipak has images on each panel that feature within the video, or with the same mise-en-scene just different shots not featured in the video. This keeps the continuity current and allows the audience to associate each product with each other and know that the digipak will have that particular song on it. Thus its effectiveness is evident as all the products share the same fonts, colours and images, following the conventions of promoting the artist themselves as well as the music they're selling. The umbrellas used in the music video are used during the performance section and therefore are seen as important props and it was essential to use them within the digipak. Each member can be seen clearly on the front panel in the same outfits as they are on the thumbnail of the video, the props used during the video are also displayed enhancing the consistency throughout all the products. The digital music video can be easily passed around with the use of the internet so is more appealing to the younger generation, whereas the digipak could be seen as old fashioned but is likely to be bought by parents as a present; so both need to be appropriate for the different age groups. The combination of the digipak and poster is vital and obvious. The back panel of the digipak with the songs and legal information on, I’ve used for the main image of the poster. It could be argued this does not follow conventions as album covers are usually used for the promotional poster, however because it’s from the digipak itself and the album cover can be seen in the bottom corner it still follows conventions. Their combination is therefore effective as they coincide with one another much like with the music video they link because of the images and font used. When asking about what fonts to use on my poster and digipak the most popular answer was a font on DaFont called Paper Daisy and therefore I've used that on both products. Therefore appealing to the genre and target audience both products will be aesthetically pleasing. However, I would change the poster a bit and add a brighter background because although there are bright coloured umbrellas there's still an overwhelming amount of black which is unconventional in the pop genre.The poster took a while to create, using three separate images of each member with an umbrella and editing them into a collage making it a blur using the Gaussian blur on each image almost giving it an effect like it is raining on the picture which could represent the hardship the song suggests the artist is going through. The umbrellas were used is both the performance aspect and the behind the scenes shots; they represented the girls shielding themselves from happiness. The poster is promoting the single that the video is created for and so it is needed for the distribution to the audience so they know what to look out for. The combination of these is consequently essential and effective as they need each other to make sense to its target audience.)

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